Coming back to Phoenix from L.A. I had to think on start my journey by myself, that it was what I came for. I wanted to study modern art and to know about american artists as Alice Neel, Warhol, Jasper Jones, . So, i got a ticket to San Francisco. Leaving family beside.
I arrived in San Francisco, a big city. I stayed the first 10 days in a YMCA room. During this time I discovered the city and decided to take a course on Modern American Artists on the SFMOMA San Francisco Modern Museum. I found a city full of life and a mixed of rich people with poor people, with stylish people and people living in the streets, homeless and crazy people, i think from the world they suffered. The city was expensive and blusting. So, after 10 days i decided to leave and moved to a small town out of the San Francisco Bay area.
So, for come back to the city I had to take the BART Train, the one that cross the Bay Area under the water, the one that for first time makes you feel uncomfortable insecure. I lived 30minutes from SF at walnut creek.
In SF I had my first contact with American art, I mean with born American artists and artists who worked in the United States from 1930 to 1993. Modern art.