Chapter 3
Apparently life at El Monte was not difficult for my father. He was the son of the owners of a big property, although he seemed like one of the tenants. He grew up in a simple life, with a big taste for the rural customs, that he maintained for the rest of his life.
Oscar and Aida, the real owners, lived aswell at El Monte, as they lived and passed a lot of time in Santiago. The Guadaroli share time together, and my grandmother Yolanda share time aswell with them. Most of them didn’t have children. And Yolanda, my grandmother, it seems she took many years to finally have my father. So then, in between, there was a family of tenant at the property, who has 3 beautiful sisters, who wanted to have a better future. So, Yolanda adopted one of them, Carmen. And Angelica and Rosa adopted the two others. And they lived as a big family.
I just knew, when I was 12, that my aunt Carmen and my two cousins were not real family, I mean blood family. I never asked myself why we were so different on traits. My father grew up with her older sister as two real brothers, inseparable. And my Aunt I love her so much.
I can imagine Santiago on the 50´s. A quite city surronded by huge expansion of country side. Oscar Magnani lived with Aida infront of the Parque Forestal. He has horses on the Club Hipico, One of his horses run on the horse races. I can´t imagine women on this picture. Santiago and Chile were sexist societies and little towns.
Las tias siempre viajando a Europa. Y el tío Oscar empezó desde pequeño a trabajar con Kenrick haciendo recados. Y que luego paso a hacer como su secretario personal y al final a Gerente general de la naviera Kenrick. Se querían mucho y Kenrick en algun momento de su vida paso una temporadas en la parcela invitado por el tío Oscar.
Mi hermano se encontró con Catherine Kenrick, nieta del fundador de la Naviera y le contó que un tío abuelo había trabajado ahi. Al momento de darle el nombre del Tío Óscar, se le llenó la cara de alegría. Nos contó que le llevaba huevos y gallinas a su casa. Así mismo, que ella recordaba haber ido a tomar el té al departamento de la Tía Aída .
Curiosamente Catherine Kenrick heredó unas tierras de su abuelo en la cordillera de Los Andes, una hacienda de 14.000 hectáreas , que los Kenrick Lyon la dejaron para conservacionismo.
El Parque Natural Juncal con su glaciar esta protegido por ellos. Y es donde estaba acampando mi hermano.